Some of the fundamentals to develop awesome web-pages, are base on:
Cost-benefit: It is a little bit expensive set up a proper web-page, but as you know, great plans require great sacrifices. (Michelangelo's sistine chapel celing years spent, recording 300 songs to pick up 9 and make Thriller or KRS moping floors while he was listening his songs on commercial radio without any royalty back on his first album)
Value adding: With a better performance on your web-site, there will be an improve on your viewers, fans and visitors; tangible benefits such as revenue, sales, less administration cost (paper, cds, phone calls) and intangible benefits such as: corporate image, faster market response, enhancing your brand/band and feeds from listeners.
Kick ass web pages such as Google or Amazon time the mili-seconds spend on their sites performance to increase a faster experience from the average perspective point of view.
Some of these "average users" are pretty desperate to get info, products or services from those sites, but the most important result is that much of those customers drop the towel switching their SOFT LOCK-IN web habits to a quicker web site. That's why it's important to improve the technology as an artist to promote your songs.
I know, I know you are not a multimillion dollar Inc. who needs tons of speed on their web-performance, but if you are taking your artist career serious,you could consider a shorter cycle time to make available your music rather than a file sharing site who won say any consumer habit of your clients or listeners.
Let me know question/suggestion/comments/feeds. I'll be glad to answer
See you soon. One of those videos has a delay logarithm on its source code. Which one?
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