Friday, May 14, 2010


I know that I would take off from the topics that we will see today but this is a clear example of what will happen latter on in terms of entertainment industries.

Experience all through you server....

(WOW that's really something if you were working for traditional media or if you are still working on it, because now you would change the course of your ship to hit the sand of the next island named Google/tweeter/whatever come next)

Amazing interview about Conan O'Brien's path after he was kick out from NBC.

He had a contract with NBC and by movements on NBC's schedule he ended up out of the prime time for these type of shows.

Then he went off from air and he couldn't be able to take "traditional media" because of his legally prohibited clause on his contract, who says he is not able to appear in television, radio or doing performances on the internet (even internet).

The only thing he had to make for a living was touring as a comedy show. Then he sent only just one tweet and the show sold cross contry in a couple of hours. After the lawyers cancel his tweeter account.

The point is:

Time is changing faster than we think, the only way Conan survived was his audience, the audience were in charge of the entire marketing opperation, Conan and his team didn't put a single banner of billboard out on the streets to announce his tour. That my friends is loyalty and the new way people is approaching to their artists. Imagine what could happen with music...

I will leave you with the entire interview. I liked a lot because I'm a Conan fan

Cheers and put some comments see you next week

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Defeat Beasts with bits bytes and beats

I would love to talk about E-business to promote your music and with these idea in mind, put some examples I'll used with different musicians and their music.

First of all when it comes to talk about "E-business and E-commerce" we should considered:

All electronically mediated transactions between an organization and any third party who deals with (that could be customers or suppliers). Kalakota and Whinston (1997)

In the case of music you should take care of:

The web: Putting your music through the internet and get rewards from it (could be money feedback or whatever makes valuable and countable to you)

Communication: What are you delivering to your final listener (of course music but what else will make you stan up from the millions of musicians that are surfing the internet)

Business process: Technology (here comes what type of computer science professional could help you to make your self look good) to put on your final consumer your art.

Service: As Daft Punk says Faster,better,stronger and I could ad QUALITY in all proceesses (recordings, carries or serves, hardware and software to deliver the best music you can to get the easiest way to get your feeds back)

According with these information I would love to see some feeds about their main 4 topics I talked this time.

Cheers and see you during the week or next week